You will have a consultation with Dr. Kim Rohr to discuss your health, related concerns, as well as, treatment options. Your first visit is designed for Dr. Kim Rohr to learn more about you, your condition and to determine which treatments will help to achieve and maintain optimal health and well being.
Dr. Rohr will perform a complete chiropractic examination, testing your reflexes, your ability to turn and bend, orthopedic and neurological testing will be included.
Report of Findings
After explaining your condition, Dr. Rohr will answer your questions. The most common: How can we help you? How long will it take to feel benefits? What can you do to help your condition? A treatment plan will be recommended which is specifically tailored for you. Your treatment may include Chiropractic, Massage, Yoga Stretches, Nutritional Supplements and Lifestyle Education.
Send an inquiry. We normally get back to you within 24 hours. You can always call us at 727.736.3961
Dr. Rohr’s goal is to help you regain balance and harmony within; to relieve your pain and empower you to live in optimal health.